Baltic cooperation is important to us, and not least our cooperation with the trade union confederations in the Baltic Sea states, given that the Nordic and Baltic labour markets often overlap. Together with the Baltic trade union confederations we carried out a project investigating the state of trade union rights in the Baltic states in 2016–2017.
The project report presents an independent and objective analysis of the Baltic countries, in order to establish whether there is any legislation or current practice at all that abides by the ILO's core conventions and convention 144 on tripartite consultations. The project was the fruit of close cooperation between Nordic and Baltic trade unions, and involved a number of independent experts within academia as well as employer representatives from the Baltics. The project also relied on contributions and efforts from the ILO's ACTRAV in its implementation.
Based on the project conclusions, a number of recommendations were drafted in the form of an action plan, adopted by the Nordic and Baltic trade union confederations. These recommendations can be found in the document "Baltic-Nordic Action Plan".