Tag: Equity

World Day for Decent Work

Decent Work for Young People in the Nordics The global pandemic has had  a negative effect  on the labour market and  on  the most  vulnerable, younger  generation and people the f u rthest from  employment, in particular .The next generations on the labour market will likely be met with unfair disadvanta...

Global Deal

In 2016 we joined the Global Deal initiative, an initiative for tripartite cooperation focusing on social dialogue and inclusive growth, in the form of a partnership between governments, businesses, employer organisations, trade unions, civil society and other organisations. The purpose of the Global Deal...

Skills development

The need for skills and knowledge is increasing at the rate with which our societies are transitioning. This transition is a result of the mega-trends driving developments in terms of the future of work. The pace of change risks excluding individuals from working life unless skills levels develop in line w...

Growth and competitiveness

We view the Nordic Model as a central and necessary starting point for growth and competitiveness in the Nordic region. For us, this model is a prerequisite for building strong and  well functioning welfare states. The Nordic Model has demonstrated that it is possible to successfully combine economic growt...

Economic Equity

We take the view that economic equity benefits both society as a whole and each of us as individuals. There is much work to be done here, as social developments have widened the gaps for some time now, and often in a historical perspective where global institutions such as the OECD, IMF the World Bank have...

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