Hands collected in the middle of people

In 2016 we joined the Global Deal initiative, an initiative for tripartite cooperation focusing on social dialogue and inclusive growth, in the form of a partnership between governments, businesses, employer organisations, trade unions, civil society and other organisations.

Global Deal logo

The purpose of the Global Deal partnership is to leverage and contribute to a platform that promotes the value of social dialogue and strengthens existing structures for cooperation. The Global Deal contributes to promoting social dialogue, consultation and negotiations between representatives of governments, employers and employees in economic and social policy matters.

We share the basic premise set out by the Global Deal: that the benefits and profits generated by globalisation should be enjoyed by a broader group and that social dialogue is one significant cornerstone in achieving this. Nordic experiences and the Nordic model demonstrate that well functioning relations on the labour market contribute to decent work, increased gender equality and inclusive economic development. This is in the interests of workers, businesses and society as a whole.

The Global Deal is closely linked to a long-standing Nordic tradition of collective agreements, strong social partners in the labour market, and a spirit of compromise, which has contributed to equal and competitive societies in the Nordic region. We harbour hope that the Global Deal in a wider perspective can contribute to achieving the goals concerning decent work and sustainable development contained in the UN 2030 Agenda.

The Global Deal was originally an initiative by the Swedish government and is currently managed in cooperation between the OECD and the ILO. The Global Deal secretariat and support unit is based at the OECD headquarters in Paris. In just a few years, the initiative has grown and now brings together nearly 100 stakeholders from all over the world; governments, businesses, trade union bodies and other organisations.

"The Global Deal is closely linked to a long-standing Nordic tradition of collective agreements, strong social partners in the labour market, and a spirit of compromise, which has contributed to equal and competitive societies in the Nordic region. I am happy to see our Executive Committee get behind the Global Deal, and we hope that the initiative can contribute to achieving the goals of decent jobs and sustainable development, in line with the 2030 Agenda of the UN", says Magnus Gissler, General Secretary of the Council of Nordic Trade Unions.

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